Friday, 27 January 2012

Vibrating Coin

Vibrating Coin

To demonstrate the expansion of air when heated.

Materials Required:
1. Coin
2. Bottle


Place an empty bottle in a refrigerator to cool it. When the bottle is cold remove it and put a coin on the opening as shown. Then dip your finger in water and place a few drops around the edge of the coin to seal the opening. Then place both your hands around the bottle, holding it firmly for about fifteen seconds. The coin will start to click up and down. Let it vibrate for a while, then remove your hands. The coin goes right on vibrating ! This shows the illustration of how air expands when heated. The cold air inside the bottle is warmed by the heat from your hands and the expanding air escapes around the rim of the coin causing it to vibrate.

Anti gravity machine

Anti-Gravity Machine

To make an Anti-Gravity Machine

Materials Required:
1. Two plastic funnels
2. Cardboard
3. Adhesive cement


To make an Anti-Gravity Machine that seems to work against gravity. When the machine placed at the bottom of a sloping track, it appears to run uphill against gravity. The machine is a double cone, easily made from two plastic funnels. Use adhesive cement to stick their rims together. The sloping track is cut from cardboard, which has to be adjusted to get the slope just right, since the gradient will depend on the size of the funnels. Place the track so the two sides are about an inch apart at the lower end, with a width at the other end equal to the length of the double funnels. When the funnels are placed at the bottom of this track, it rolls to the top. This is because as the funnels appear to move up, the increasing width of the track lowers the funnels so that its centre of gravity actually becomes lower.

Pascal's Law

Pascals Law

To demonstrate the Pascal's Law.

Materials Required:
1. Matchsticks
2. Bottle
3. Rubber balloon


The pressure applied to a confined liquid is transmitted equally to all parts of the liquid according to Pascal's law. This can be shown with an empty bottle, a few matchsticks and a balloon. Cut off the heads of the matches and then drop the heads into the bottle and fill the bottle to the brim with water and cover the mouth of the balloon tightly over the bottle's opening. The match heads will float on top of the water but when the finger pressed on the balloon diaphragm they will sink slowly to the bottom. When the finger is lifted, and the heads float up again. This is because pressure is transmitted through the water, forcing a small quantity of water to penetrate the edge of each match head. This adds enough weight to the match head to make it sink and when the finger is removed, there is enough air pressure inside the heads to force out the water and make the match heads rise.

Test Your Hand

Build a game that lets you test how steady your hand is, by moving a loop around a wire figure without touching the wire. This makes a fun activity, and demonstrates the fact that current can only flow if there is a closed circuit. We give complete instructions for building the device.
Materials Needed:
  • shoebox
  • tape
  • 1 metre of florist's wire
    (or other bare wire)
  • 1/2 metre insulated wire

  • 9v battery
  • flashlight bulb
    (or small buzzer)
  • ballpoint pen
  • wire cutters
Step 1:
Use the ballpoint pen to poke three holes in the lid of the shoebox, as shown.

Step 2:
Snip off about 2 cm of the insulated wire and put it aside for later.
Bare both ends of the remaining wire. Now fashion a small loop out of a short piece of the florist's wire, and twist it onto one end of the insulated wire. Seal the join with tape.
The size of the loop will determine how easy or difficult it is to win the game; the smaller the loop, the harder it is to win. You can modify the size of the loop later if it proves to be the wrong size.
Step 3:
Pass the wire through the single front hole in the box lid, as shown.
Step 4:
Transform the remaining florist's wire into a series of bends; make sure that the bends aren't too close together, and that they don't touch. Make as many bends as you want. (The more bends there are, the harder the game is to win.)
Pass the loop you made in step 3 onto the wire with the bends, and then insert the ends of this wire into the remaining two holes in the lid, as shown.
Step 5:
Turn the lid over and tape down the end of the wire on the right.
Step 6:
Make a hole in the left front side of the box and insert the lightbulb, as shown. Place the 9v battery in the box.
Note: The game is much more fun if you can find a buzzer to replace the lightbulb; wire it like the bulb is wired, as shown below.

Step 7:
Now we'll show you how to connect the wires.
In order for the game to work, electricity must flow from one terminal of the battery, in a closed path (called a circuit), back to the other terminal.

Attach wire A to the shank of the bulb; twist it on tight and use tape to hold it. Now get that short piece of insulated wire we cut off at the start, bare both ends, and attach it to the bulb socket tip, and one battery terminal. (Use tape to attach it to the socket tip; if you know how to use a soldering iron, a little solder will hold it permanently in place).
Finally, attach wire end B (this is the insulated wire with the loop) to the other battery terminal.

Now the game is ready to play. The object is to move the loop around the bends in the wire shape, from one end to the other, without letting the loop touch the wire. if the loop is very small, this can be very difficult to do!
You'll know when you lose, because the lightbulb (or the buzzer) will come on!
When this happens, it means the wire has made a complete circuit.

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